New features and updates, versions 3.1.6 - 3.1.7 (October - December 2017)

All announcements from the administrators regarding changes, possible problems and so on
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New features and updates, versions 3.1.6 - 3.1.7 (October - December 2017)

Post by pahans »

Have you missed new updates? There we have it. We covered 2 important subjects in last few releases: user experience and performance improvement.

Statistics tab

Not long ago we already told you about improvement of this section of control panel. As for now it has become even more comfortable and useful.
Most importantly, we have rethinked concept of all the tables and made them more intuitive. Also we have changed a way how statistics is fetched according to modern tendencies. Moreover, it was visually improved and now looks fantastic!


In IT world it means "displaying a hierarchy of the current page in relation to the website's structure". If we talk simpler, it means that navigation between pages of our site has become more comfortable. Just go and check how it works on any offer page we have on our site. This is just awesome!


Have you ever wondered how good is CMS Opencart? It is currently one of the most popular CMS in the world. Our company is highly recommending to try it out for your website.
For access to full set of Opencart's functions you just need to have Pro hosting account. Our Pro service is affordable beyond imagination - only from 0.83 USD per month. Try it today and watch satisfied reactions of your friends or customers, when they see your amazing Opencart website.

Migration promo

Are you still hosting your domain elsewhere? Don't loose a chance to accept our incredible offer of migration and get up to 10 months of quality web hosting services on top of that for FREE with professional support included.
More details

Our company always tries to bring more comfort to the clients using our service, so we've added little tips and tricks that will make your user experience a little more enjoyable.

FTP tab

In case you forgot to add domain before adding FTP account, you will now see next message "Add a domain in Domains sections and FTP account will be created automatically" in FTP tab. It will always remind you what must be done first.

Databases tab

According to our statistics, many FREE customers try to connect to their database remotely at least once. Then they find out that they can't do that and they request our customer support team. That's why we decided to implement a tiny information box, near Host name, which signifies importance of having paid hosting plan active. This small but extremely convenient feature will surely help customers.
If you would like to consider buying Pro or Vip right now, please navigate to this page to choose most suitable offer. In case you have specific questions, please contact us right on the site via chatbox - our specialists will gladly help you to choose most proper tariff for your exclusive needs.

Knowledgebase updates

Did you think we just worked on technical side of our product all the time? Of course not. We are presenting you brand new topics in our Knowledgebase. We are going to talk about installation of CentOS and ISPconfig control panels on your own VPS server.
CentOS - ... ntos-panel
ISPconfig - ... -ispconfig

For more information about out VPS offer please go to

Thats not all! We made also hundreds of small changes in our page, panel and imrpoved security. That gives you faster, easier and safer hosting service!

We appreciate your attention to our progress and invite you to join discussion about our future improvement.
Leave your comment down below or tell us what you think on our social media pages.

Oh, and by the way, we would like you stay with us for next couple of months. Extremely big and important features are on their way!
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